Today, diversity and inclusion (D&I) is top of mind for most boards and executives. Many businesses have policies and initiatives in place to look at how they can improve D&I within their organisations. However, we find most of these programmes are focused on improving the internal gender statistics, often in the form of meetups run by …
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31 May 2019
Check out our May newsletter for all the latest news and events from the EdTech sector!
22 May 2019
Find out all the latest news and events in the EdTech sector.
26 April 2019
Find out what has been happening in the EdTech sector, including EdTechNZ’s first meetup of the year and a facial recognition trial at tertiary providers could lead to wider use in New Zealand schools.
27 March 2019
Earlier this month I had the pleasure of attending the launch of the Accelerator youth training programme at The Warehouse.
27 February 2019
This year brings a lot of promise for EdTechNZ
23 January 2019
Welcome to the final newsletter of 2018. Regardless of what the festive season means to you, I wish you all the best for the holidays and 2019. Maori TV recently broadcast an interesting feature on the digital future of education. The Raranga Matihiko programme delivers digital technologies access and curriculum content learning for both digital technologies …
Continue reading "EdTechNZ Newsletter – November 2018 Update"
27 November 2018
We want to help NZ schools and communities recognise and value the importance of 21C skills, and show our young people how critical these work-ready skills are when it counts – at their annual prizegiving. We know how committed you are to this kaupapa so we would love for you to get behind the 21C …
Continue reading "21C Skills Lab is excited to bring you the 21C Prizegiving Challenge!"
13 November 2018
The big education event this month was CORE Education’s annual uLearn conference. During his presentation, the AI Forum’s Ben Reid highlighted the significant opportunity in New Zealand for AI to deliver efficiencies in education and transform some of the traditional learning methods. For those in Auckland keen to learn more about AI and gain hands on …
Continue reading "EdTechNZ – AI set to transform education"
30 October 2018