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Techweek School Series: How to Create an App
Want a fun and interactive session in your classroom to teach kids about app building?
Hatch Education have joined our Techweek School Series to bring to your classrooms an interactive session on building apps.
Thunkable is a free tool which can be used to create apps which can later be released in the Google Play or iTunes stores. It combines design tools with block-based programming to create apps which can be live tested. It has the capacity to create simple apps but also has the tools to create more complex apps that include features like AI and text-to-speech. The beauty of the software is that you can live test your app on a mobile device such as a phone or tablet.
We will share the tools and knowledge of creating and designing an app straight to your classroom via Live-Stream!
This event is aimed toward Intermediate and Junior College students.
Pre-Event; each app creator will need download the Thunkable app and register for the app with an email address.
You can drop into this event at any time.