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STEAM Education Summit
Applying STEAM as an interdisciplinary learning in the classroom
2019 brings to you, the second annual STEAM Education Summit, which will be held 28-29 May 2019, at the Grand Millennium, Auckland. Following the success of the inaugural event last year, the summit will highlight key issues and developments that were discussed last year in its practical form. There will also be familiar faces, alongside new speakers with exciting case studies to share with you. Last year’s event sold out, therefore secure your place early!
Chaired by: Nick Pattison, Learning Designer, Ormiston Junior College
Featured sessions at the summit include:
– Introducing early years to STEAM in preparation for school
– Intentional teaching – bringing science into awareness in the early years
– Innovating with STEAM: Changing the system in a traditional environment
– The maker movement – you don’t need a space to make|
– Involving the arts in STEAM
Members of EdTechNZ are eligible for a 10% discount on the cost of registration for the Summit. Please contact us for your discount code.
Separately Bookable Workshops
Pre-event full day workshop | 27 May
– Essential skills and mindsets to build a successful STEAM curriculum
Post-event half day workshops | 30 May 2019
– Preparing to introduce STEAM into your school
– Developing strong language competencies in STEAM education