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NZ’s vision for a global edtech impact
Join us for an exclusive networking event hosted by EdTechNZ, in collaboration with the Australian National Education Digital Leadership Advisory Group (NEDAG) and the New Zealand Ministry of Education (MOE).
NEDAG provides leadership to education stakeholders on the efficient and effective design, deployment and use of digital technologies for learning, facilitating collaboration and information sharing among ICT leaders in education.
Following on from our Australian Market Deep-Dive Webinar, this engaging networking event will showcase the local tech and edtech sector, offering a unique perspective on the intersection of technology and education.
NZTech’s CEO Graeme Muller will share an overview of New Zealand’s technology sector, showcasing how “tech for good” is driving positive change, and how the international marketing campaign, See Tomorrow First, is empowering our EdTechs on a global scale.
Some of our local EdTechs will then share their own success stories and experiences exporting to Australia, highlighting strategies for growth and lessons learned.
This is a fantastic opportunity to progress the alignment of approaches and standards for data exchange and security, discuss the use of AI in education, and introduce NZ-based edtech companies to our Australian counterparts.
Event Details:
- Date: Tuesday 9 April 2024
- Time: 5.00PM – 7.30PM
- Location: AWS, Level 21/157 Lambton Quay, Wellington Central
- Event Type: In person
- Cost: Free for members & non-Members
Speaker Details:
- Graeme Muller, CEO, NZTech
- Richard Cotman, Sector Lead, Manufacturing, Technology and Services, NZTE
- Alana Pellow BDM at Education New Zealand Manapou ki te Ao and Vice Chair of EdTechNZ
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