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EdTech Findr

We are pleased to introduce EdTech Findr, a new and improved version of our EdTechNZ Directory designed to help discover the companies and organisations that make up the education technology ecosystem in Aotearoa.

You can now stay updated on the EdTechNZ community in real-time using a fully interactive map. No matter if you are searching for a startup, large tech company, regulator, other NZTech communities, a VC funder or more. Findr is your tool for business connection.

Not on the map? No problem, you can add your business or update your details by submitting a simple online form.

The companies are organised using the HolonIQ Global Learning Landscape classification system. Using Kiwi innovation, these companies are changing the way we distribute and consume education, bringing kaiako (teachers) and ākonga (learners) closer together through digital learning experiences.

EdTechNZ EdTechNZ is the voice of EdTech in New Zealand, supporting the growth of the sector. Our purpose is to drive the creative use of technology, inside and outside the classroom, for better student outcomes. We aim to facilitate a world class education system for all New Zealanders and showcase local EdTech to the world.